
Tart and Pie Biscuit Crust

pie biscuit crust

When it comes to sweet tart or pie crust there is nothing faster than the pie biscuit crust, it takes about 30 minutes from start to finish.

Some of the flour savory tart shell or sweet tart shell takes time because we need to get the butter stabilized before we can work out the dough, this is not the case with the biscuit shell.

Pie biscuit crust recipe

  • 120g/ 3½oz of Graham crackers/ Petit Beurre/ Maria Biscuit or even butter cookies.
  • 30g/ 1oz Lotus biscuits
  • 100g/ ½ cup melted butter
  • 20g/ 2tbsp cold butter

Place all the biscuits in the food processor and pulse into small crumbs, pour in the melted butter and pulse for 30 more seconds.

pie biscuit crust

Add the cold butter and pulse for a few more seconds until the crumbs become a bit more wet, it will help us assemble the tart crust later on.

pie biscuit crust

Pour the crumbs into a 9-inch pie baking pan and press with your hands to even the biscuit crumbs on the bottom and sides of the pan.

pie biscuit crust pie biscuit crust

Baking the Pie biscuit crust

Preheat the oven to 180°c/350F and bake the biscuit crust for 15-18 minutes keeping the the crust from getting burnt, it happens very fast so don’t let the pie crust out of your site.

After the crust is out of the oven, let it cool for at least 30 minutes before adding the filling, I would not recommend trying to release the crust at this stage, I found that it’s much easier to do so after the crust had been in the fridge and the butter is completely stable.

This pie biscuit crust is great for various sweet pie or tarts, you can check out the Coconut cream pie in which I used just this kind of crust and turned out to be so delicious it disappeared in a few minutes.

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Pie biscuit crust
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