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Gluten free flour

Gluten free flour – does it really work?

Frangipane Cream

Frangipane Cream

danish pastry dough

Danish Pastry Dough

self-rising flour

Baking powder

Using baking powder in baking is quite common and contribute to the texture of the pastry, no doubt about that, let’s dig into this powder a bit to understand its role in baking and how to use it better. Baking powder is so common we hardly stop and ask what’s in this chemical powder that makes […]


Basic Preferment dough- Biga, Poolish and Pâte Fermentée

Curabitur congue dolor sed massa feugiat, sit amet tempor orci convallis. Donec lacus magna, semper eget nisl sed, posuere pellentesque tellus. Cras mauris tellus, ultricies quis hendrerit imperdiet, faucibus non nulla. Cras ex dolor, aliquet eget enim nec, luctus congue nisi. Fusce facilisis in erat vitae cursus.


Double-fed Sourdough Rye

Double-fed Sourdough Rye

The Double-fed sourdough Rye is one of my favorite bread versions, it’s not a spontaneous bread loaf to prepare, it stretches over 2 days (sometimes 2 and a half) however the results is spectacular and most important, although this bread has a big title hanging over it, actual kitchen work is minimal with almost no kneading. […]

Rustic Baguettes

Rustic Baguettes

thin crust pizza

Thin Crust Pizza

3 stage rye sourdough bread

3 Stage Rye Sourdough Bread



pumpkin pound cake

Pumpkin Pound Cake

During the cold winter days, I find myself making more of the comforting coffee cakes and less of the fancy cream versions which takes much more time and effort, the pumpkin pound cake is a very good option of this genre of cakes, delicious and easy, what else can you ask of your coffee cake? […]



chocolate babka

Chocolate babka

Grandma's cheesecake

Grandma’s cheesecake

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