Feta and Broccoli Tart
The process of making this tart is fairly fast because I don’t do ‘blind baking’ in this recipe, I bake the savory tart base and the filling all together .
Baking the base and the broccoli feta filling together has its advantages, for starters, the whole process takes less time and second is that the sides of the tart are being supported which makes the tart base be stable and firm in the baking process.
Feta and Broccoli Tart – the method
This classic tart is made out of 2 main parts, first is the base (the dough) and the second is the ‘cream Royal’ which is made out of eggs and heavy cream, this cream will create the custard when baked and give a soft oozy texture to the tart.
The savory tart dough is fairly easy to make, however the most important thing to remember is that all ingredients of the dough should be super cold, this will ensure a crispy light dough that can hold its shape and will be easy to stretch on the tart pan.
Baking the tart
Oven is set to 180°c/ 350°F, I usually place the tart on the bottom rack of the oven for the first 30 minutes from the soul reason that this dough needs to get crunchy fast so we will not have any liquids leaking out of it.
After the first half an hour I move the tart into the middle rack for another 15-20 minutes in order for the top to get to a nice golden color.
It’s important to let the tart rest for about 10 minutes after baking , waiting is the hardest part of the feta and broccoli tart making process, afterwards, just slice it and serve hot.

Place the Broccoli on the tart shell
Mix the eggs, heavy cream and salt, pour over the tart shell.
Break the feta cheese by hand the spread over the heavy cream mix.
Spread the olives over the pie and insert into the oven.

Cool for 10 minutes on the counter and serve immediately.