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pecan and raisin bread

Baking with Steam

Curabitur congue dolor sed massa feugiat, sit amet tempor orci convallis. Donec lacus magna, semper eget nisl sed, posuere pellentesque tellus. Cras mauris tellus, ultricies quis hendrerit imperdiet, faucibus non nulla. Cras ex dolor, aliquet eget enim nec, luctus congue nisi. Fusce facilisis in erat vitae cursus.

opera cake

Opera cake (gâteau opéra)

I have to admit this cake is extravagant and complicated, when I first looked at the multiple stages I just wanted to change to a different cake recipe but only while you try to understand the complexity of different flavors and textures you understand that the opera cake is the essence of the French baking, rich surprising […]


Basic Preferment dough- Biga, Poolish and Pâte Fermentée

Curabitur congue dolor sed massa feugiat, sit amet tempor orci convallis. Donec lacus magna, semper eget nisl sed, posuere pellentesque tellus. Cras mauris tellus, ultricies quis hendrerit imperdiet, faucibus non nulla. Cras ex dolor, aliquet eget enim nec, luctus congue nisi. Fusce facilisis in erat vitae cursus.



One of my strong experiences in Italy was getting to the local bakery during the morning grubbing a few fresh ciabatta loaves, then going to the grocery and picking up a good salami sausage and some parmesan cheese, making a simple and delicious sandwich hard to imitate elsewhere. There is nothing like the crunchy crust […]

pecan and raisin bread

Whole wheat Pecan and raisin bread

Some breads are the of the fun kind the ones that you just want to toast add butter or a good jam and eat as is without any supplements. That’s exactly what the pecan and raisin bread is all about. From a baking perspective view, baking this bread is not a big deal, time frame […]

pie biscuit crust

Tart and Pie Biscuit Crust

Curabitur congue dolor sed massa feugiat, sit amet tempor orci convallis. Donec lacus magna, semper eget nisl sed, posuere pellentesque tellus. Cras mauris tellus, ultricies quis hendrerit imperdiet, faucibus non nulla. Cras ex dolor, aliquet eget enim nec, luctus congue nisi. Fusce facilisis in erat vitae cursus.

vegan tahini cookies

Vegan Tahini Cookies

After a long weekend of constant eating I needed a something healthy, preferable sweet, I went over my old recipes and came across the vegan tahini cookies which are rich in vitamins, fibers and many other nutritional values. Vegan Tahini Cookies – baking vegan is not easy When approaching any pastry without eggs or butter I […]

Gluten-Free Potato Bread

Gluten-Free Potato Bread

I was thinking of a bread for the weekend when I came up with gluten-free potato bread, it’s not that I don’t consume Gluten products, it’s just that from time to time I believe it’s a good idea to take a break from regular wheat bread, even if it’s only for a week or two. Let’s get this straight GF bread is […]

Gluten free flour

Gluten free flour – does it really work?

I started making breads with Gluten free flour mixture because of a diet group my mom was participating in. The first few times I made breads with the GF flour were with a store-bought Cup-for-Cup flour mix, it was OK but nothing more than that. I immediately started experimenting and reading GF blogs over the net for a […]

Frangipane Cream

Frangipane Cream

Curabitur congue dolor sed massa feugiat, sit amet tempor orci convallis. Donec lacus magna, semper eget nisl sed, posuere pellentesque tellus. Cras mauris tellus, ultricies quis hendrerit imperdiet, faucibus non nulla. Cras ex dolor, aliquet eget enim nec, luctus congue nisi. Fusce facilisis in erat vitae cursus.

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